Sunday, June 7, 2020

Computer Security Weaknesses Essay - 275 Words

Computer Security Weaknesses at the Veterans Health Administration (Essay Sample) Content: Computer Security Weaknesses at the Veterans Health AdministrationStudentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameUniversity AffiliationComputer Security Weaknesses at the Veterans Health AdministrationThe information system control in the Veterans Affairs department has concerning deficiencies that were identified by the GAO. The whole system is under threat of breach, loss of documents and leaking of information. The correction of these weaknesses would go a long way in the evasion of security threats posed by malicious hackers. The oversight resources are also required to install and manage a computer security program, in accordance to the needs if the whole department.The issue mainly lies in the under capacity of the departmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s employees in dealing with the emergent security threats, and the available resources for dealing with the threats. Although the recommendation for dealing with the provision of security resources, there is also need to evaluate the effectiveness of th e current installations. The vetting of these resources will involve the analysis of the existing policies, risk assessment and checking the awareness of the employees on security protocol. Any modification done to the security protocol will have to be effected throughout, to all departments involved in creating and keeping of these records.T...

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